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    We produce dialogical formats to discuss artists works; their individual ideas, subject matter, conceptual possibilities, influences, inspiration and further implications.

Our approach emphasizes the sensuous impact and novelty of art, instead of fitting works into predetermined intellectual interpretation or emphasis on the "content" or "meaning"
of a work.

We document artistic practice.

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March 21, 2021
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0882681281
ISBN-13: 978-0882681283
Shipping Weight: 7.2 ounces
Madness thundery gist of dream and dross
Ring where the cave of future rings
Cherry between me and the boogeyman Nothingness
My wind-tossed head a flurry of feathers
Shoots sparks as hammers strike anvil
Dazzled by undeserving pure gold fortune
Stormy hammers surround it
Crown it with the fresh forged
Hot circlet of the infamous calling of misfortune
In chunks of the infamous calling of misfortune
In chunks of dripping scarlet pain
I’m terrified all this splendor
Will make it pop